How Do I Turn Off Autoplay On Youtube


YouTube is a great platform for watching videos, but sometimes the autoplay feature can be a nuisance. Autoplay on YouTube is a feature that is turned on by default, which automatically plays the next video in the suggested or recommended videos section after the current video ends.

This feature can cause you to end up watching videos you don't want to watch, or even eating up your data if you're on a mobile device or tablet. In this article, we'll show you how to turn off autoplay on YouTube and save data on your mobile device or tablet, by disabling the autoplay feature on the YouTube app.

How Do I Turn Off Autoplay On YouTube

What is Autoplay on YouTube?

Autoplay on YouTube is a feature that is turned on by default, which automatically plays the next video in the suggested or recommended videos section after the current video ends. This feature is designed to make it easy for you to keep watching videos without having to manually select the next video to watch.

How to Autoplay YouTube on Your Mobile Device or Tablet

To turn on autoplay on your mobile device or tablet, open the YouTube app and tap the autoplay settings icon at the top of the video. From there, turn on the autoplay feature by tapping the toggle switch. With this, the next video will start playing automatically as soon as the current video ends.

How to Autoplay YouTube on Your Computer?

To turn on autoplay on your computer, open the YouTube website and click on settings from your profile icon. From there, click on the settings icon and select the autoplay option. This will enable the autoplay feature on the website, and the next video will start playing automatically as soon as the current video ends.

How to Turn Off Autoplay in YouTube on Mobile?

To turn off autoplay on your mobile device or tablet, open the YouTube app and tap the settings and select autoplay. From there, turn off the autoplay feature by tapping the toggle switch. This will stop the next video from starting playing automatically as soon as the current video ends, and this will save data on your mobile device or tablet.

How to Turn Off Autoplay in YouTube on Your Computer?

To turn off autoplay on your computer, open the YouTube website and click on the video player. From there, click on the settings icon and deselect the autoplay option. This will stop the next video from starting playing automatically as soon as the current video ends.

In conclusion, Autoplay on YouTube is a feature that is turned on by default, which automatically plays the next video in the suggested or recommended videos section after the current video ends. It can be a nuisance if you don't want to watch the next video or you are watching videos on a limited data plan.

You can easily turn off autoplay on your mobile device or tablet by using the YouTube app, and on your computer by using the YouTube website. Disabling autoplay on the YouTube app will save data on your mobile device or tablet, so it's a good idea to turn it off if you're on a limited data plan.

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