How To Create a YouTube Shorts Channel


Hey there, have you heard of YouTube Shorts? They're the new short form videos on the YouTube platform, and they're taking the internet by storm! In this blog post, we're going to talk about how to create your own YouTube Shorts channel if you are a fun of TikTok and Instagram Reels who isn't used to making longer videos

What are YouTube Shorts?

YouTube Shorts are short form videos or content , usually 15 seconds or less, that you can create and upload to YouTube. They're perfect for quick tips, funny moments, or anything you want to share with the world in a short and sweet way.

YouTube shorts are better if made with 16:9 aspect ration since according to statistics, YouTube shorts are mainly viewed with mobile devices and 16:9 is the best aspect ratio for mobile devices.

How To Create a YouTube Shorts Channel

What's the difference between a YouTube channel and a series of short videos?

A YouTube channel is a collection of all your videos on the platform, whereas a series of short videos is just a group of short form videos below 60 secs on your channel. You can have a YouTube channel that only contains short videos, or you can have a YouTube channel with a mix of short and long form videos.

How To Create a YouTube Shorts Channel?

First, you'll need to have the YouTube app on your phone. Once you have the app, select "big plus icon" and select "create a short". Make sure you allow YouTube app to aces you camera, microphone, and storage. Tap the red button to start recording and click it when done to stop recording and follow the steps below.

  1. Once you have finished recording, tap on the "create button" to save the video to your camera roll.
  2. Next, you'll be prompted to add a title, description, and a thumbnail for your short. Make sure you "add a title" that is catchy and represents your video well.
  3. Now, you can "upload YouTube shorts" to your channel by tapping on the "upload" button.
  4. As you upload your videos, you can also create playlists and add your videos to them.
  5. You can also customise your channel by adding a banner, profile picture, and other information.
  6. Once you have set up your channel, you can start promoting it on "social media" and encourage your friends and family to "subscribe to your channel"

YouTube Shorts

How To Record a YouTube Short?

To record a short, open the YouTube app and select the "create a short video clip" option. You can select the time you want to record for, up to 60 seconds. Once you hit the "record button", the timer will start counting down, and you can start recording.

Make sure to hold your phone vertically for vertical videos, and tap the "record button" to start recording.

After you've recorded your short, you can add a title, description, and a thumbnail. To create a thumbnail, you can either select a frame from your video or upload a photo from your camera roll.

Make sure the thumbnail is eye-catching and represents your video well. This will attract more people to watch your "shorts content" and "subscribe to your channel".

What is the maximum length of a YouTube short?

The maximum length of a YouTube short is 60 seconds. So, it's important to make sure you use your "set timer" accordingly and not go over the limit

How To Promote and Grow My YouTube Shorts Channel?

Promoting your YouTube Shorts channel is all about getting the word out. Share your shorts on "social media" and encourage your friends and family to "subscribe to your channel". You can also add your shorts to playlists and collaborate with other creators to reach a wider audience.

You can also create ads on YouTube ads platform, Facebook, qoura and other platforms.

Growing your YouTube Shorts channel takes time and patience. Keep creating new and engaging "shorts content", be consistent in your "upload YouTube shorts" and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.


Creating a YouTube Shorts channel is a great way to share your talents, tips, or just have fun with the world. With the YouTube app, you can easily "record" , "create" and "upload" shorts videos. Remember to be consistent, engage with your audience and don't forget to have fun!

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